Account hacked – How to contact Meta ( Facebook ) support ?
You’ve got your facebook page hacked ? You are probably in a huge trouble since trying to contact facebook / meta support is really hard in these days.
I wrote an article about that weeks ago : where you can find some email to contact facebook, but let’s try to go deeper to find some others way to get in touch with the support team.
If the hackers have changed your password and/or email and you cannot log back into your account, you should follow the service’s protocol for hacked accounts. Often you can reset recent changes from the email alerts sent by the service. If that does not help, you should contact customer support to see if they can help you.
But how to contact the support ?
In first instance visit this link : and follow the steps suggested.
If your meta account is really hacked you can find assistance here :
Make sure to follow this guide
Last thing to do if you have the possibility to access to your business manager account is to open a support ticket scrolling down the page here : , then you select the resource and follow the steps suggested.
For my experience is very important to have a photo profile on the page with your real face so in the case you can contact the support you can verify that you are really the owner of your account.