How to get instagram followers ( 10 tips to follow )

Getting more likes on instagram is a good feeling and makes you very happy especially in a sad day.

Hello everybody, today I decided to explain my experience in Instagram about how to grow up and get follower in the shortest time possible. For who don’t know me I’m a travel and lifestyle photographer ( look at my bio here ) .

I’m running many different social media platforms about my works from Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Instagram franckreporter

Many of you probably use the social media channels just to share their personal stuff. media in these days are very useful to get commission works around the world very easily.

social media in these days are very useful to get commission works around the world very easily.. especially for a photographer!!

So in this article i want to show my tips to get more Instagram followers in the quickest way possible, avoiding to do mistake in your workflow. There are some basics rules to respect if you want to grow quickly and get a lot of loyal followers. I listed my 10 best suggestions in order of importance.

1)  Content matters. Post consistent images ( all about the same theme ) , if you are a fashion blogger you have to post images about outfits, for example every day new images of you wearing new clothes.. not posting images of pets or landscape. Only the most famous fashion bloggers, the ones with millions of followers can afford to post whatever, because they are already famous and their followers won’t stop to follow them in any case. If you want to be followed you have to be interesting for something. For example if you are an emerging travel photographer post just travel images, avoid to post images of your personal life. There is Instagram stories or you private facebook account to do that. Followers can decide to look or not your Instagram Stories.

2) Quality matters. Select your images, post just the best images, selected content. Remember that quality beats quantity. It is better to post 4 good images in a week than 12 shitty pictures in 7 days.

3) Don’t annoy your followers. Avoid to post too many images per day, spamming all your images in your followers timeline. If can i give you a tip, post just one or two images a day. Personally i post one image a day. You can create suspense doing that.

4) Try to post-process all your images in the same way. Try to create an editorial line in terms of colors and post production. For example all images with clear light colors or just all the images with vibrant colors.

5) Don’t use to many hashtags. Hashtags can made your images reachable by the if search but can looks you even not very professional. I suggest to add just a maximum of 5-6 hashtags. Use interesting hashtag.

6) Add the exact location to your images, use geotagging, people will find your images searching for some particular location and it makes you also more professional.

7) Ask questions in the captions of your photos. This is a great way to increase engagement.

8) Reply to all your comments, this is another way to create engagement and a social relationship with your follower that are always very curious to know more about your life, how do you take the images and which are your plans for the next days. You must interact with you audience.

9) Tag in your images the accounts that create contest or that shares the best images about your content. The best way to get solid followers is to be followed by people that have seen your image featured in some very popular account.

10) Edit your images… post-processed images are better than natural flat images but don’t exaggerate. Don’t upload images flat or as you took with your phone or with your reflex. In the digital new era every pixel counts. You have to take the attention of who look Instagram and scroll all the images to get a like. Avoid to use the front camera of your phone, the quality of every rear phone’s camera is better than the front one.

Of course it is not written in the stone that if you will follow my tips you will get millions or thousands of followers, but it is a good start to become famous on the web. I’m still not famous but I’m working hard to do that.

…it is all about sense of taste… quality always beats quantity…

My last suggestion that i can give you is to connect you instagram account to your facebook public page. In this way you can share the followers between the pages. It helps a lot to grow on the web.

Most of my followers in instagram comes from my public page in Facebook @franckreporter where I have more 100K followers.


If you are interested on travel images start to follow me !!

Leave me a comment below about your experience. Thanks